Orange County Juvenile Arrests Dropping

Recent analysis of Orange County juvenile arrests shows that half as many teens and children are being arrested on suspicion of crimes compared to years past. According to a news report in The Orange County Register, there were 6,900 juvenile arrests made in 2013. That is a significant drop from the 14,000 arrests made each year in previous decades.

Arrests of juveniles have dropped statewide as well. There were approximately 97,000 juvenile arrests in California in 2013, which is nearly half the number of arrests from a few years ago While it is unclear what has led to the drop in arrests, it could be the result of a number of recent changes.

Some local officials believe that the drop in juvenile arrests could be a direct result of changes in marijuana laws. According to, simple marijuana possession arrests of California juveniles dropped from 14,991 in the year 2010 to 5,831 in 2011. That is a 61 percent decrease because of the decriminalization of marijuana possession.

Officials also believe that diversion programs are helping youths avoid arrest. Instead of simply punishing youths for criminal acts, the authorities are more inclined to work with social workers to change the behavior of troubled juveniles. Many studies have shown that incarceration does not work to deter future transgressions.

It is important to remember, however, that youths in Orange County can still face life-changing consequences if they are arrested. Violent crime and drug charges can result in incarceration, treatment programs, fines, fees, the creation of a record, probation, and a number of other long-term consequences.

If your son or daughter has been charged with a crime, contact an experienced Orange County juvenile crime defense attorney to ensure that your child’s rights are protected every step of the way. A knowledgeable lawyer will also be able to obtain the best possible outcome and help ensure that your child gets that valuable second chance.

The Law Offices of David A. Stein are available for a no-cost consultation on any juvenile or criminal matter.  Call our offices today at 949-445-0040 or contact us online here.
